


Joel Robuchon: The French Chef of one of my favourite restaurants in the world!

to buy the book:

Julia Child's Masterwork! Cant look forward to meet her!
Set of 2 books: Mastering the Art of French Cooking Volume 1 and 2

supposed to be one of the best cookbooks! just wanna hold it in my hands!!

The world best restaurant in 2 years in a row! and their book!
one of my favorite cuisines and cities: Danish Cousine and Copenhagen!

I simply adore her blog! I am sure I'll fall in love with her bok too!

only available for pre-order:

still didnt get the chance to get this babe! :(
as mentioned before: "bible of baking"!

1 yorum:

  1. Onu da isterim bunu da isterim, bu nasi is :) Bu arada tartine'i ben de pek begeniyorum! Bi de su siteye bak belki seversin, tartine benziyo biraz, ben pek siki takip ediyorum kendisini :)
